Infinite Scroll Infinite scrolling (or streaming without clicking) individual email list works similar to the slot machine trick. The goal is for the user to stay in the app as long as possible. Orphan of a clear ending in the app in which he decides to enter, the user literally individual email list dives into it and has a hard time getting out of it. Doing infinite scroll the user is individual email list treated from time to time with something interesting.
And knowing that by clicking their experience will individual email list be interrupted, the user is able to spend minutes and minutes scrolling through their favorite apps. 3.Auto play The autoplay functionality, ubiquitous in streaming video apps, uses the individual email list same infinite scroll principle. This technique plays a new video in a smaller window before the user finishes watching the clip they are currently engaged in. From time to time, videos that are individual email list adjusted to their tastes and preferences come to the eyes of the user.
The goal of autoplay is for the user not to individual email list move from the app (and keep their eyes glued to it for a long time). 4. Login all-in-one It's frankly tedious having to think of new usernames and passwords for each newly downloaded app. Precisely for this individual email list reason so many apps make registration possible by automatically connecting to the user's account on Google, Facebook or LinkedIn. By means of this simple trick, the apps eliminate at individual email list a stroke the user's first reticence when connecting to them and using them.